Management and Education

Industrial Technologies
English | Български    





































Double-blind peer review

All research articles in this journal have undergone double-blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by two anonymous referees.The articles will be evaluated using the following criteria.

1.Rationale of the study
1.1.The main purpose or thesis of the article is clearly stated in the introduction.
1.2.The claims of the study are properly placed in the context of the previous literature.
1.3.The literature review is complete and pertinent.
1.4.The significance of the study is explicitly formulated. The study makes contribution to a certain area of research.
2.1.The study is original/innovatory; it introduces new ideas, new techniques, methods, data and facts or different approaches; may stimulate discussion or alternative points of view.
2.2.The problem discussion is profound and balanced.
2.3.Research methods are appropriate and presented in detail.
2.4.Data/statistics/proofs are meaningful, reliable, validated and logical.
2.5.The analysis is adequate to the logics of the research and the conclusions.
2.6.The results are explained clearly, convincingly and avoid misinterpretation, speculations or assumptions.
2.7.The conclusions are logical and impartial, and are supported by the data.
2.8.The literature is current; the references reflect the latest work in the field; the references are indexed properly and are recorded in the bibliography.
3.Structure and language
3.1.The manuscript is logically structured.
3.2.The writing is clear and concise, in good English, correct from the grammar point of view.
The title is adequate to the content.
3.3.The summary is sufficiently informative. It describes the purpose, the research and the results and conclusions.
3.4.The introduction specifies the purpose and tasks, thesis, methods, literature review, significance and contribution to the theory or practice in the research area.
3.5.All figures, graphs, tables and photos are appropriate and necessary, named and numbered. The measuring units are correct; the data source is indicated; the data are valued and interpreted correctly.
3.6.Terms, symbols and concepts are defined correctly. Appropriate usage of scientific terminology.

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