English | Áúëãàðñêè    


"Education, Science, Economics and Technologies"




1. Requirements for the participants


The authors should observe the following requirements:

  • Title – in English
  • Authors – in English – without titles and institutions
  • Abstract -  in English between 250 and 300 words
  • Key words
  • Presentation text
  • References
  • Information for contacts with the author or authors should be given at the end of the paper
  • The size of the report should be up to 10 pages
  • Each participant may participate with up to two reports

All research articles in this journal have undergone double-blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by two anonymous referees. In order to be accepted for publication in the journal the articles must satisfy certain criteria.

2. Requirements for formatting


The article should be written using the computer program Word for Windows in a DOC format. It should be sent by e-mail.

  • The menus are to be configured as follows:
    • Page Setup – Margins: Top – 2 cm; Bottom – 3 cm; Left – 3 cm; Right – 2 cm
    • Paper Size – A4
    • Font – Times New Roman; Font Style – Regular; Size – 11
    • Paragraph – Line Spacing: Single; Alignment: Justified;
      All other options indicate 0.
  • The article pages should not be paginated.
  • The title of the report should be written after a space of 6 blank lines from the top, in uppercase, centered, Bold, in Times New Roman, Size - 11.
  • After a space of one blank line there follows the author’s name /first and family full names/, in lowercase, centered, Size – 11.
  • An ABSTRACT in English should be written after a space of 1 blank line below, Bold, Italic, Size – 10, Indentation-by 0.5 cm. The summary in English should be Italic, size 10.
  • Key words in Bold, Size – 10, Indentation by 0.5 cm, should be written below the summary. The key words themselves should not be written in Bold, size-10, Italic.
  • The presentation text should begin one blank line below, formatted in two columns: Columns: Presets – Two, Spacing – 0.6 cm.
  • First line indentation: Format, Paragraph, Special – First Line, By – 0.5 cm.
  • The subtitles should be written in sentence case, with no numbering, Bold, new line, after a space of one blank line.
  • The text should be automatically hyphenated: Tools – Language – Hyphenation – Automatically hyphenate document.
  • The tables, charts and figures should be built in the text softwarely, notwithstanding the program type they have been made. Their numbering should be Arabic.
  • The permissible maximum size of the tables, figures and charts is 15 x 15 cm. The size of the tables should not be bigger than a A4 sheet of paper, formatted according the specific requirements.
  • The orientation of the figures, charts and tables should be Portrait.  Between the text of the article and the tables, charts and figures there should be a space of one blank line. The figures and charts should be numbered underneath, the figure is to be indicated as Fig., Bold, the text itself is not in Bold, Size – 11, left alignment. The word Table and the relevant number should be written above the table, left alignment, Bold.
  • The formulae are created with WORD editor or are built in as objects if they were created with special programs.
  • References and citations

    References and citations in the manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Harvard author-date system of referencing.
    References and citation in the text should be by author, date and page number.

    Citing Example:
    one source - (Smith 1998, pp. 639-40),
    one source with more than two authors - (Zipursky et al. 1997),
    two or more sources - (Ritter 1991; Loughran and Ritter 1995),
    additional works by the same author - (Whittaker 1967, 1975; Wiens 1989a, 1989b).

    For example:
    Rajaratnam (2001, p.1005) concludes that, 'The cost to the nation's health of working out of phase with our biological clocks is probably incalculable at present.'
    'The cost to the nation's health of working out of phase with our biological clocks is probably incalculable at present' (Rajaratnam 2001, p.1005).

    For research papers in Humanities a documentary-note style (Oxford) of referencing is recommended. Notes should be numbered consecutively through the article with a numeral in square brackets, beginning with [1] - [1], [2], [3], etc., corresponding to a list of endnotes at the end of the article. The references should be given in shortened form in an endnote with a full version given in the alphabetical list of references at the end of the article.

    Include an alphabetical list (Bibliography) at the end of the article

    Format of citations in the Bibliography
    Smith, John Maynard. 1998. The origin of altruism. Nature 393: 600-640.
    Beijing Zoo. 1974a. Observations on the breeding of the giant panda and the raising of its young [in Chinese]. Acta Zoologica Sinica 20: 139–47.
    Beijing Zoo. 1974b. On the diseases of the giant panda and their preventive and curative measures [in Chinese]. Acta Zoologica Sinica 20: 154–61.

    An article in an edited book:
    Smith, C., 1979. Application of option pricing analysis. In: Bicksler, J. (Ed.), Handbook of Financial Economics. North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 80-121

    Doniger, Wendy. 1999. Splitting the difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Walker, J.R., and T. Taylor. 1998. The Columbia guide to online style. New York: Columbia Univ. Press.
    Sechzer, J.A., S.M. Pfaffilin, F.L. Denmark, A. Griffin, and S.J. Blumenthal, eds. 1996. Women and mental health. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

    Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees. Evanston Public Library strategic plan, 2000–2010: A decade of outreach. Evanston Public Library.

  • The literature follows after a space of one blank lines, at the end of the presentation text. The word References is left aligned.
  • The full authors’ names, scientific ranks and titles, the institutions they represent, addresses and e-mail should be written after a space of two blank lines below the literature list, in English.

Papers, which do not meet the requirements, will not be published and the remitted fees will not be refunded. Files, infected with viruses, will not be processed and the fees will not be refunded.


Download a Sample of Paper for Conference Fields "Social Sciences and Humanities" and "Health"


Download a Sample of Paper for Conference Field "Technical and Natural Sciences"



3. Requirements for presentation


Terms of presentation

  • The presentation of the report should be within 10 minutes
  • Discussion on the theme – 5 minutes

The participants will be able to use a multimedia projector


The presentations for the multimedia projector should be made in Microsoft Power Point and saved on a flash-memory. No responsibility is taken for usage of flash-memory.





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